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Three Types of Commercial Insurance Your Business Might Need

There are many forms of commercial insurance that you may need to protect your business. The types you should have depend on the kind of business you have, whether you have employees, the physical presence of the business, etc. Call us at Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. in Silver Spring, MD to get your commercial insurance policies. 

Worker’s Compensation Insurance

Known widely as worker’s comp, this type of insurance pays for the costs associated with an employee who gets injured or sick at work. A work-related illness or injury from an accident can be costly, and they can often entail lawsuits. The policy pays for these expenses with this type of insurance, so your business doesn’t have to shoulder them. Accidents can cause serious problems for an uninsured business. If you have employees, you need this type of commercial policy. 

Premises Liability Insurance

These policies are critical if your business has a physical presence in which someone could be hurt. Even if there’s nothing there that’s dangerous, anyone could be injured. That means employees, customers, and the public. Just in case you need this policy to protect your business against lawsuits. 

Commercial Auto Insurance

If your business is a vehicle’s registered owner, that vehicle must have a commercial auto insurance policy. If the business owner has a personal policy on a work vehicle, that insurance company won’t pay for any costs associated with an accident. This is especially true when the accident happens while the work vehicle is engaged in business activities. Always have a commercial policy on these vehicles for your protection. 

Get Commercial Insurance 

You can talk to us about your specific business and the types of policies it may need. Call us at Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. in Silver Spring, MD. 

Brewery and Craft Beer Insurance: Coverage for Artisanal Breweries

The craft beer revolution has seen a surge in the popularity of artisanal breweries, each with unique flavors and brewing techniques. Brewery and craft beer insurance addresses the risks associated with the brewing industry while supporting the growth and sustainability of these independent ventures in and around Silver Spring, MD.

Understanding the Unique Risks of Brewing

Artisanal breweries face distinctive risks compared to larger mass-production facilities. These risks include equipment breakdowns, raw material spoilage, and product recalls. 

Property and Equipment Coverage

Protecting the physical assets of a brewery is a critical aspect of brewery insurance. Coverage extends to brewing equipment, fermentation tanks, and other machinery essential to the brewing process. This ensures that the brewery can recover from equipment breakdowns or damage.

Product Liability and Recall Coverage

Craft beer is celebrated for its diverse flavors, but this uniqueness also requires product liability coverage. In the event of consumer illness or injury related to the brewery’s products, liability coverage helps manage legal expenses and potential settlements. Additionally, coverage for product recalls is vital, offering financial support in case a recall becomes necessary.

Business Interruption Insurance

Breweries depend on a continuous production cycle, and any interruption can result in significant financial losses. Business interruption insurance for breweries covers lost income and ongoing expenses when operations are halted due to covered events.

Customized Coverage for Taprooms and Events

Many artisanal breweries operate taprooms or host events to engage with their communities. Brewery insurance can be customized to cover the unique risks associated with these activities, including special event coverage for festivals or beer tastings.

Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. Can Help You

At Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc., we can help answer questions concerning commercial insurance. We serve the Silver Spring, MD area. Contact us today.  

Four common pieces of misinformation out there regarding commercial insurance

Business owners need to be well-informed to make the right decisions about commercial insurance coverage. At Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc., we insure companies in Silver Spring, MD.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation out there about commercial insurance.

The following are four common pieces of misinformation you may come across regarding commercial insurance:

Business owners who work out of their homes are covered by home insurance.

You can’t expect home insurance to cover business operations out of your home. You need to purchase commercial insurance for coverage if you have a home-based business. 

Small companies don’t need commercial insurance.

Companies of all sizes need commercial insurance coverage. It’s a mistake to think that you don’t need to insure your company because it’s not large enough or doesn’t have enough assets to require coverage. 

Most businesses are not at risk of lawsuits. 

Any business can be sued. You don’t have to run a business in an industry where lawsuits are particularly common to need commercial liability coverage. 

You don’t need commercial insurance if you have no employees.

Some business owners think that commercial insurance is only needed for businesses with employees. While workers’ compensation coverage is an important type of commercial insurance, it is not the only type of coverage that businesses need. 

If you don’t have any employees, you don’t need workers’ compensation coverage. However, you still need other types of coverage such as commercial liability insurance. 

Reach Out To Us

Making the right decisions about insurance coverage can ensure the longevity of your company. Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. can insure your company in Silver Spring, MD. Get a quote on a policy for your company by calling us today!

How Commercial Insurance Can Help Your Business When It’s Sued

No business is safe from the possibility of being sued. Luckily, there are insurance options for business owners who want protection against lawsuits. Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. in Silver Spring, MD is here to help you understand how to secure your business when needed.

Which type of insurance helps protect a business against lawsuit judgments?

Commercial insurance is a type of insurance that helps businesses cover the costs of legal action taken against them. The policy will typically cover any claim made against the insured company. Commercial insurance can help pay for damages, court costs, and legal fees if you are sued and found liable.

Commercial insurance is essential because even if a business is found not liable, it can still be subject to expensive legal fees and court costs. These expenses can quickly add up, especially if the company has many lawsuits involving potential damages over $50,000. Because of this, many businesses buy commercial liability insurance to protect themselves from the high costs of litigation.

There are different kinds of commercial insurance policies available. While some policies provide coverage for bodily injury and others for property damage, others offer both.

What are the other benefits of commercial insurance?

There are many other benefits of commercial insurance. One is that it can assist with a disaster. This can help a business to recover quickly and get back on its feet. Your policy could also help provide temporary help when your business is interrupted due to a disaster, vandalism, or other reasons.

Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. in Silver Spring, MD offers commercial insurance to protect businesses against lawsuits. Coverage includes protection for business owners, employees, and property. Contact our office to learn more!

Determining Coverage for Your Business

When it comes to insuring your business in Silver Spring, MD, there are some commercial policies that will benefit every business and some that will benefit certain types of businesses or industries. Even if you are just starting out, it’s imperative to get the right insurance for your business.

General liability insurance is recommended for every business since it provides protection against common customer incidents, such as property damage, bodily injuries, or advertising injuries. Any accident can lead to big legal bills, which is why this policy is so important to have. Other liability policies can also be needed, such as professional liability insurance if you provide professional services to clients. 

The risk for your business will determine what other policies you need. An agent at Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. can help you determine your risks and the best policies for your business. If your business has valuable property then you may want commercial property insurance, since this covers your physical assets against damage or loss. If you have a small business and are in a low-risk industry, you may be able to bundle commercial property insurance with commercial liability in a business owner’s policy. These two policies address just the bare bones but it’s important to consider your location, operations, and industry when building a policy.

If you have employees, you will want to have workers’ compensation insurance and it’s required for businesses in Silver Spring, MD. Workers’ comp insurance will cover on-the-job employee illnesses and injuries. If you have business-owned vehicles then you should have commercial auto insurance. If you have a large online component for your business then cyber liability insurance can protect you from costs associated with data breaches and can cover notification costs, legal expenses, and credit monitoring. 

Contact Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. to get a quote for commercial insurance. 

Required Commercial Insurance in Maryland

If you are the owner of a Maryland business, you need to have certain commercial insurance policies to protect your business. There are two types that the state requires of most businesses in the state. If your company meets the requirements for one or both of these insurance policies, it’s important to get it right away so that you aren’t hit with fees and fines. Give us a call at Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. in Silver Spring, MD.

Workers’ Compensation

In Maryland, every business that has at least one employee must have workers’ compensation insurance, even if it is just one part-time employee. With this coverage, you and your employee are protected against the costs associated with an accident or illness that an employee has at work. It protects you by paying for the medical bills and lost wages that are needed after an employee accident. It protects your employee by making these funds available when they are needed, so there’s no need for the employee to sue your company. There are a few exceptions to this rule, so talk to an agent about whether this coverage is required for your business.

Commercial Auto

If your Maryland business owns a vehicle, that vehicle has to have a commercial auto policy on it. This is mandated no matter what the type of vehicle it is. The policy must have a certain minimum amount for bodily injury liability for one person who is injured and a different amount for all of the bodily injury liability from an accident. There is also an amount required for property damage liability. 

Protect Your Business

To get the types of commercial insurance policies that you need, and some that aren’t required, give us a call at Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc in Silver Spring, MD.

Why is choosing commercial insurance such a big decision?

Starting a business is a dream that a lot of people share. At the same time, it continues to be a big responsibility that requires a lot of thought and preparation. One part of owning a business is choosing a commercial insurance policy. There are several reasons why choosing the right commercial insurance policy for a Silver Spring, MD business owner is such a big decision.

Insurance Could Keep Business Solvent

An important reason you will need to have commercial insurance is to keep your business solvent. As a business owner, it is important to prepare for anything. Unfortunately, a lot of risks and issues are out of your control. Due to this, you should get a commercial insurance policy to keep your business solvent if there is an incident that results in a liability claim or damaged property.

Having Insurance is Often Required

A Silver Spring business owner is also often required to carry insurance at all times. Businesses that take out financing, hire employees, lease a building, or even raise capital will have certain insurance needs that should be met at all times. When you get a proper insurance policy, you can stay in compliance with all requirements. 

Choosing the right commercial insurance policy is very important for anyone that owns a business in the Silver Spring, MD area. If you are looking to start a business or evaluate your insurance needs and options, you should reach out to the team at Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. When looking for a policy, it is easy to be confused by your business’s options and needs. Fortunately, Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. can simplify this for you and help you choose a quality policy.