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Renee Oliver Insurance Agency, Inc.

13975 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 312
Silver Spring, MD 20906

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Brewery and Craft Beer Insurance: Coverage for Artisanal Breweries

The craft beer revolution has seen a surge in the popularity of artisanal breweries, each with unique flavors and brewing techniques. Brewery and craft beer insurance addresses the risks associated with the brewing industry while supporting the growth and sustainability of these independent ventures in and around Silver Spring, MD.

Understanding the Unique Risks of Brewing

Artisanal breweries face distinctive risks compared to larger mass-production facilities. These risks include equipment breakdowns, raw material spoilage, and product recalls. 

Property and Equipment Coverage

Protecting the physical assets of a brewery is a critical aspect of brewery insurance. Coverage extends to brewing equipment, fermentation tanks, and other machinery essential to the brewing process. This ensures that the brewery can recover from equipment breakdowns or damage.

Product Liability and Recall Coverage

Craft beer is celebrated for its diverse flavors, but this uniqueness also requires product liability coverage. In the event of consumer illness or injury related to the brewery’s products, liability coverage helps manage legal expenses and potential settlements. Additionally, coverage for product recalls is vital, offering financial support in case a recall becomes necessary.

Business Interruption Insurance

Breweries depend on a continuous production cycle, and any interruption can result in significant financial losses. Business interruption insurance for breweries covers lost income and ongoing expenses when operations are halted due to covered events.

Customized Coverage for Taprooms and Events

Many artisanal breweries operate taprooms or host events to engage with their communities. Brewery insurance can be customized to cover the unique risks associated with these activities, including special event coverage for festivals or beer tastings.

Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. Can Help You

At Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc., we can help answer questions concerning commercial insurance. We serve the Silver Spring, MD area. Contact us today.  

How Often Should You Verify Coverage of Your Home Insurance Policy?

When was the last time you checked on the coverage that you have as part of your home insurance policy? Serving the Silver Spring, MD area, our team at Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. wants to assist you in understanding your home insurance and how often you should check coverage.  

Understand the Policy Renewals

The first thing you need to keep in mind when it comes to verification of coverage of your home insurance policy is the policy renewal date. You need to know when your policy is going to come up for renewal as that is when you will be able to take action before the renewal is done to ensure coverage is appropriate.

Coverages to Check

You want to check on things such as the coverage that you have for your home, contents, etc. If you just got a new roof, is that reflected in the policy? What about things like an HVAC system? Major home upgrades will impact the coverage needs you have, the premium you pay, etc. The more you are able to stay on top of your home insurance coverage, the more accurate the policy coverage will be and the premium you pay.

Schedule A Consultation Today

Serving the Silver Spring, MD area, our team at Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. can assist you in doing a periodic review of your home insurance policy. We can walk you through the different types of coverage you have, what it all means, limits, deductibles, etc. When you do the review of your policy, you will gain a better understanding of your coverage so you can be comfortable and confident in the home insurance policy you carry.

Types of Motorcycles and the Importance of Insurance

Maryland requires you to have proof of insurance when you drive and at least minimum liability insurance for registration periods. Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. in Silver Spring, MD offers liability, collision, and comprehensive insurance coverage for motorcycles. We can help you choose the best type of insurance for your needs and the type of motorcycle you own. 

Types of Motorcycles 

The standard motorcycle has a design suited to many purposes. The engine is considered an air pump called a varied displacement engine, and it has one of the simplest designs. It has a tank bag, low to medium seat height, no windshield, and minimal luggage options. A cruiser motorcycle is designed for cruising. It has a lower seat height than other motorcycles. This motorcycle travels many miles and comes with many accessories. 

A sports bike is a lightweight vehicle built for speed and flexibility. It is easier to drive, and the seat is higher than other motorcycles. The touring motorcycle is the largest made. It has a large amount of storage and a large windshield for wind and rain. It is designed to ride on highways at higher speeds. A sports touring motorcycle has a high seat and extra storage for carrying gear. It is comfortable and designed to cover many miles. A dual sport motorcycle is built for off-road activities as well as regular driving. They have off-road suspension, a higher seat, special tires, and a sporty look. 

A scooter is a lightweight smaller vehicle and not considered a motorcycle by some, but it still requires insurance in Maryland. It has a small displacement engine, limited storage, and is lightweight. The moped is another small vehicle with a small engine, limited power, and storage. It requires insurance in Maryland to drive it. 

Contact Us About Motorcycle Insurance 

At Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc in Silver Spring, MD we have motorcycle liability insurance that protects you when you have an accident. It will cover the injury of other people and damage to property. Collusion insurance covers damage to your motorcycle and other property. Our comprehensive insurance will fix or replace your bike if it is damaged by wind, storms, fire, or stolen. Call us or stop by to find out what type is best for you. 

What New Condo Owners Need to Know about Insurance

Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. is the team to call for all of your insurance needs in the Silver Spring, MD area. We’re proud to serve our community and are here to answer any questions that you might have about condo insurance. Give us a call today to schedule your appointment. 

Understanding Condo Insurance

The most important thing to understand about condo insurance is that a policy is required for each privately owned unit. There’s no protection for unit owners from the Condominium Association’s policy. If you’re purchasing your condo with a mortgage, your lender will likely have some required coverage level standards in place. If this is the case, you’ll want to make sure that their minimum requirements are adequate for your needs. You might feel more comfortable with additional protection.

Your insurance will protect you from damages and repairs caused by a covered event. Your local agent can review your needs with you to help you make an informed decision when choosing your policy. With all of the options available, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. As long as you have coverage that’s suitable for your needs, you’ll have the peace of mind that comes with knowing your new condo is protected. There’s no benefit to going without condo insurance, so now’s an ideal time to find out more and select a policy and coverage level that’s right for you. Review the bylaws for your condo building before selecting your condo insurance policy.

Give us a call or stop by today!

If you’re planning to buy a condo in the Silver Spring, MD area, you can count on Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. We’re here to help in any way and look forward to working with you. Give us a call today!

Will Umbrella Insurance Pay Out a Claim Against Me?

Here at Renee Oliver Insurance Agency, Inc., we know we shouldn’t play favorites, and yet, umbrella insurance is certainly one of our favorite types of insurance policies. Umbrella insurance is a unique type of insurance coverage in that you can apply it to just about any asset in your life. It’s flexible and adaptable, and yet, a lot of Silver Spring, MD and other customers of ours are often new to how it works.

We get many questions about umbrella insurance policies, including whether they’ll pay out in the event someone puts out a claim against them. If you’re wondering the same, continue reading:

Question: Will Umbrella Insurance Pay Out a Claim Against Me?

The answer to this is almost certainly yes! 

Umbrella insurance policies are also called gap policies as they work to fill in the gaps among your existing policies. This type of coverage is most often bought in tandem with a larger policy, like a home, auto, or renter insurance policy, and is designed to provide coverage beyond the limits of such policies while likewise offering coverage for a myriad of things.

For example, you might purchase a personal umbrella policy that boasts $1 million in additional liability coverage. Now, let’s say you have a holiday party at your house and someone slips and falls down your stairs, incurring an expensive injury requiring emergency room care. That person then decides to sue you, and you find yourself in the judgment of $400,000 but hold a liability policy with a limit of $300,000. Your homeowner’s insurance will pay out up to its limits, including legal defense costs, and then your umbrella insurance will pay out the rest. 

Learn More With Renee Oliver Insurance Agency, Inc.

Contact our friendly team at Renee Oliver Insurance Agency, Inc. to learn more about the advantages of umbrella policies and to get one for your Silver Spring, MD household. 

A Guide to Understanding the Different Types of Permanent Life Insurance

Permanent life insurance offers coverage for your entire lifetime in Silver Spring, MD. Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. explores the different types of permanent life insurance, including their features, benefits, and considerations.

Different Types of Permanent Life Insurance

1. Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance is a permanent life insurance policy that provides lifetime coverage and a guaranteed death benefit. This policy also has a savings component known as cash value, which accumulates over time and can be accessed during the policyholder’s lifetime.

2. Universal Life Insurance

Universal life insurance is another type of permanent life insurance that offers both a death benefit and a savings component. The policyholder can adjust their premiums and death benefit amounts, making it a more customizable option. A universal life insurance policy’s cash value earns interest tied to a specific index or interest rate.

3. Variable Life Insurance

Variable life insurance is a permanent life insurance policy offering investment options in the policy’s cash value. The investment options for variable life insurance policies may include mutual funds, stocks, bonds, and other securities. The policyholder has more control over where their cash value is invested and may earn more significant returns.

4. Indexed Universal Life Insurance

Indexed universal life insurance allows the policyholder to allocate a portion of their premium payments to a cash value account tied to the performance of an index, such as the S&P 500. The index-linked cash value account has the potential to earn greater returns than traditional savings components without the risk of investing directly in the stock market.

We Are Here To Help

If you are in or around the Silver Spring, MD area, contact Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. for help selecting a permanent life insurance policy that suits your financial goals and objectives.

Common myths about auto insurance

Most Silver Spring, MD area vehicle owners carry an auto insurance policy. However, there are many myths out there about auto insurance that lead to drivers not being adequately covered. Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc experts have compiled the top myths about auto insurance. 

Auto Insurance Myths

1) I have insurance coverage for all vehicle uses under my auto policy. 

Being insured for all uses of your vehicle is a common myth about auto insurance. Policies may exclude specific uses, such as for business purposes. If you use your car for your business or work, check with your insurance agent to ensure you are adequately insured. 

2) Personal items in my car are covered under my auto policy. 

Most insurance policies do not automatically cover personal items you leave in your vehicle. For example, while a policy may cover the stereo equipment installed, if you leave your laptop or cell phone in your car and they are stolen, you will not be able to claim under your policy. 

3) I only need to carry the minimum insurance required. 

While the state does require drivers to carry a minimum amount of insurance; it is not wise to have only those limits. The minimum levels of insurance are relatively low and most likely would not provide adequate coverage in the event of a severe accident. 

4) I have rental car coverage under my insurance policy. 

Believing that rental car coverage is automatically covered under your policy can be a costly mistake. First, you must ask your insurance agent if you have coverage before renting a car. If you do not have the coverage, it can most likely be added to your policy. 

Reach Out To Us

If you want to learn more about auto insurance, contact a trusted advisor at Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. today. We proudly serve the greater Silver Spring, MD area. 

Four common pieces of misinformation out there regarding commercial insurance

Business owners need to be well-informed to make the right decisions about commercial insurance coverage. At Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc., we insure companies in Silver Spring, MD.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation out there about commercial insurance.

The following are four common pieces of misinformation you may come across regarding commercial insurance:

Business owners who work out of their homes are covered by home insurance.

You can’t expect home insurance to cover business operations out of your home. You need to purchase commercial insurance for coverage if you have a home-based business. 

Small companies don’t need commercial insurance.

Companies of all sizes need commercial insurance coverage. It’s a mistake to think that you don’t need to insure your company because it’s not large enough or doesn’t have enough assets to require coverage. 

Most businesses are not at risk of lawsuits. 

Any business can be sued. You don’t have to run a business in an industry where lawsuits are particularly common to need commercial liability coverage. 

You don’t need commercial insurance if you have no employees.

Some business owners think that commercial insurance is only needed for businesses with employees. While workers’ compensation coverage is an important type of commercial insurance, it is not the only type of coverage that businesses need. 

If you don’t have any employees, you don’t need workers’ compensation coverage. However, you still need other types of coverage such as commercial liability insurance. 

Reach Out To Us

Making the right decisions about insurance coverage can ensure the longevity of your company. Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. can insure your company in Silver Spring, MD. Get a quote on a policy for your company by calling us today!

Four things you might not know about home insurance

Being well-informed when you buy home insurance helps you to meet your coverage needs properly. Homeowners in Silver Spring, MD can purchase home insurance from Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc.

The following are four things you might not know about home insurance:

Home insurance policies can cover policyholders for "loss of use" expenses. 

If you need to file a claim on your home insurance policy, your home might be badly damaged. In this case, you might not be able to safely live in your home until it is repaired.

Fortunately, home insurance can offer "loss of use" coverage so that the costs of paying for temporary lodgings while your vehicle is repaired will be covered. 

It’s a good idea to take an inventory of the value of your belongings in your home when you buy home insurance.

You need to make sure that your home insurance policy insures you for the full value of your belongings in your home. That’s why you should take an inventory of your belongings and calculate the value of your insured items. You can then specify how much coverage you want to purchase for belongings in your home.

You can choose from a few deductible options when you buy home insurance. 

Homeowners typically have the freedom to choose from a few different deductible amounts depending on how much they want to spend on premiums and on any claims that they must file down the road. 

Flood and earthquake insurance policies are typically bought separately. 

If you want to be covered for floods and earthquakes, you’ll need to purchase flood and earthquake insurance policies. 

We Are Here To Help!

Learn more about home insurance in Silver Spring, MD by getting in touch with us at Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. We are here to provide you with coverage that protects your property and your finances. We’ll be happy to help you by providing you with a policy quote when you get in touch with us. 

Three rules to follow when you buy a motorcycle insurance policy

A good motorcycle insurance policy is a must for bikers in Silver Spring, MD. Are you looking for a good motorcycle insurance provider? Consider the policy offerings of Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. If you buy motorcycle insurance, there are some rules that you should follow.

The following are three rules to follow when you buy a motorcycle insurance policy:

Always get full coverage for your bike

You should get collision and comprehensive coverage in addition to liability coverage. While collision and comprehensive coverage may not be required according to Maryland law, they are important because they ensure that you will be able to file a claim to get repairs to your bike covered by your insurance in the event of an accident. 

Get more than the state minimum liability coverage amounts

Getting more than just the minimum coverage amounts required by the state of Maryland will help to protect your assets. You could face a lot of financial trouble if you experience a costly lawsuit as a motorcycle rider and your liability coverage maximums are low. 

Shop around before buying a motorcycle insurance policy

You need to take some time to research motorcycle insurance quotes before you select a policy. You’ll probably find that motorcycle insurance coverage offerings differ among various providers. We offer a quoting tool on our website for you to compare quotes for free. 

When you get a few quotes, you can make sure that you get a policy that is competitively priced and also offers you the coverage that you need. 

Reach Out To Us

Call us at Renee Oliver Insurance Agency Inc. to get a quote on a policy. We’ll help you get excellent coverage. If you’re a motorcycle owner in and around Silver Spring, MD, we’ll be happy to assist you with your insurance needs.